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Beta Release May 2024

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When I heard that we are able to grade and list our inventory, then receive orders or offers within 24-48 hours. It's a no brainer for us!

Patrick Wlaznak, CEO of Cannaseurs Choice

Qualitative transparency and standardization of the same nomenclature is critical in bulk wholesale. Cannafax will save us time and energy sourcing, while helping us to accurately price any bulk material we may have according to the market conditions and quality produced.

Nate Gibbs, CEO of Kokua Services


Grading & Certificate of Grade

Since 2016, 500K+ pounds of cannabis has been graded by hand, five pounds at a time. Utilizing that qualitative grading data and leveraging AI, the integrated Cannafax grading tool standardizes cannabis with an unbiased level of transparency for both buyers and sellers instantly.

Appraisal & Market Pricing

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Want to know how valuable your material is? Make sure you get a fair market price for your crop before you make the sale. Our appraisal tool will provide you with an accurate current market value for your material, while also providing you with the current market price range for products in the same category.

Product Listings

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Sellers can access our licensed buyers network with three easy steps. Take or upload an image of your material, fill out your product profile, and list. It’s that simple. If you already have buyers in line, no need to list, download or share the Certificate of Grade and real-time appraisal information to close your deal with confidence. 

Buyers, you gain access to all the available product in your local legal market and save valuable time and money that would be spent needlessly searching and traveling. Connect with relevant sellers by filtering your search for exactly what you're looking for. All listed product is graded and appraised, ensuring trust and transparency before you place an order.


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